
16 December 2018

My dear readers, 

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. "The hope of Israel" Jer 14:8 (October 9 EVENING)

“THE SAVIOUR IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE.” Such is the God of Israel and our God. The Author of Israel’s hope is begotten by the Spirit through the promises of His word. They hope because He has promised, because He is faithful, because His word is true from the beginning. He is the object of Israel's hope. "Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption." They cannot hope in man for he is poor, weak, fickle, and unable to help. But they do hope in God, for He is strong to deliver, wealthy to supply, present to help, pledged to befriend, ready to pardon, wise to direct, waiting to be gracious, and He delights in mercy. His compassion is a spring that never fails. His love is a sun that never sets. His word is as a mountain that cannot be moved. His grace is sufficient for us, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness. The hope of Israel is a refuge; let us repair to it. The hope of Israel is a fountain; let us satisfty our thirst from it. The hope of Israel is our Saviour; let us put our trust in Him. The hope of Israel is God; let us therefore worship, adore and believe Him. "Happy is he that has the God of Jacob for his help."

Hope of Israel, hear my cry,
To Thee from self I flee;
Be Thou in every trial nigh
And I will hope in Thee.

2. "To wait for His Son from heaven" 1 Thess 1:10 (February 18 EVENING)

“IF I GO AND PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, I WILL COME AGAIN.” Our Lord left us with this promise. He came in the flesh to redeem us. He sent His Holy Spirit to sanctify us. He will soon come again to receive us unto Himself. This is a most glorious event. It is constantly kept before the minds of the Lord's people in the New Testament. It is our blessed hope. Be deeply interested in it, frequently meditate upon it, daily prepare for it, and be found in a waiting posture ready for His appearing. We are servants and our master is coming to call us to account. We are sons and our Father is coming to fetch us home. We are the espoused bride of the Son of God and He is coming to claim us and admit us to His glorious kingdom. He will come suddenly when few expect Him. The virgins will all slumber and sleep, but "let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober."  We know not when Jesus will come but He will certainly come soon. Are we ready for His coming? Will you be glad to hear the trumpet sound, see the heavens pass away, and behold Him come in like manner as His disciples saw Him go into heaven? For that momentous event be ye ready.

The Saviour comes! He comes to reign,
To banish sorrow, sin, and pain;
Prepare, my soul, and patient wait,
So shall thy peace and joy be great.

3. “They shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts” Mal 3:17 (May 14 MORNING)

“IN THAT DAY WHEN I MAKE UP MY JEWELS.” In that day, He will gather you as His own. This is the promise to them who fear the Lord and think upon His name; who fear to offend Him because they love Him; who desire above all things to obey Him, to be conformed unto Him, and to glorify Him; who think upon His name, call Him Father, and believe Him to be gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness, and truth; who approach Him as children; who walk before Him, desiring to do everything as under His eye; who are jealous of His honour, and concerned for His glory; who speak of His goodness, talk of His power, and adore the riches of His grace.  “They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts.”  He will treat them as His children, prize them as His jewels, and acknowledge them before assembled angels. He will put a difference between them and others, and will manifest Himself unto them as He does not unto the world. Beloved, are we entitled to claim this precious promise? Do we fear God? Are we grieved at sin, because it dishonours Him? Do we think upon His name with love and reverence? If so, He will spare us, preserve us, and place us among His jewels for ever. We shall be His for eternal years.

Hail, sacred day! that shall declare
The jewels of the Son of God;
Designed to deck His crown they were
Chosen of old, and bought with blood.

4. "Therefore trust thou in Him" Job 35:14 (February 7 EVENING)

“SOME TRUST IN CHARIOTS, AND SOME IN HORSES.” But we trust in God our Saviour. Beloved in Christ our Lord, forget not that thy times are in His hands, that thy name is in His book of life, that He has promised to be thy God, and that He is faithful to His word. Every blessing we need is promised; every promise is firm and sure, therefore trust thou in Him. Thy heart may fail thee, thy way may perplex thee, thy fears may overcome thee, thy foes may insult thee; but thy way is not hid from the Lord; therefore trust thou in Him. His word is true from the beginning: His people in every age have proved it so, its verity is its crown; therefore you may trust it firmly, fearlessly, and constantly: and His faithful word shall calm thy fears, strengthen thy hopes, sweeten thy comforts, and lead thee to cheerful, filial obedience. His hand may seem to go against thee, but His heart beats with unutterable love toward thee; He may appear to be armed with a sword to destory thee; but even then you should say with Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" and you will find, that instead of destroying, His sword is for your defence. He will honour your confidence, and bring you out into a wealthy place. Only trust thou in Him.

Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design,
Are framed upon Thy throne above;
And every dark and gloomy line
Meets in the centre of Thy love;
Therefore I trust in Thee alone,
And humbly pray, "Thy will be done."

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor