
25 November 2018

My dear readers, 

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. "Your heavenly Father" Mt 6:32 (October 1 MORNING)

WHEN ye pray, say, "Our Father." Like a father, He cares for you, but, unlike any earthly father, with complete knowledge of your needs and perfect wisdom on your behalf. When cast down, remember you have a Father in heaven who loves you, has given His word to you, and is ever ready to do you good. It is truly blessed to begin this month, and every month, believing that we have a Father in heaven; and that "like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him; for He knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust." Let there be no reserve between us and our heavenly Father, but let us communicate everything to Him; let there be no hard thoughts of our Father, but let us delight in His word, which sets forth His own immutable mind, and let us rejoice. Our heavenly Father knoweth what we need; He hath provided all we need, and He will freely give all He has provided; but He will be acknowledged and sought unto. Nothing is too hard for Him to effect; nothing is too great for Him to produce; nothing is too good for Him to bestow upon His people. What a mercy that we have such a Father in this inhospitable world! To Him let us carry, and with Him let us leave, all our cares.

Father, on me Thy grace bestow,
To call Thee mine while here below;
To love Thee as Thy law requires,
To this my longing soul aspires;
May every word and action prove
My soul is filled with filial love.

2. "The Father Himself loveth you" Jn 16:27 (July 31 EVENING)

“HEREIN IS LOVE, NOT THAT WE LOVED GOD, BUT THAT HE LOVED US.” Now we love Him, because He first loved us, and all who believe His word, rely on His merits, trust in His name, observe His ordinances, keep His precepts, and find Him precious to their souls. All such are beloved of the Father. This love includes His infinite goodwill toward them, and His delight in them. It is an infinite willingness to do them good, and to bestow blessings upon them. This appeared first in a purpose, then in a promise, and at length in the glorious work of his beloved Son. His love is eternal, immutable, and free. The proofs of it are the covenant, the gift of His Son, the bestowment of the Holy Spirit, the Bible, all gospel privileges and spiritual blessings, and the kingdom of glory at the last. Does the Father himself love us? Then let us believe the fact, especially when we go to prayer. Then let us love Him in return, and be willing to do and suffer all His will. Let us live above the world, and testify unto it, that the works thereof are evil. Let us seek the welfare of all He loves. Let us pity, plead for, and reason with sinners, encouraging those seeking the Lord, by assuring them of His love.

Let every tongue the Father own,
Who when we all were lost,
To seek and save us sent the Son,
And gives the Holy Ghost.

3. "Thy blessing is upon Thy people" Ps 3:8 (September 22 EVENING)

“HOW ARE THEY INCREASED THAT TROUBLE ME!” But Thou, O Lord art a shield for me. As for us today, God’s elect, we were blessed in Christ with all spiritual blessings before the world was. We are blessed through Christ with every good thing while here below. And we will be blessed with Christ with more than heart can conceive in the world to come. The Lord's blessing is upon our persons, and we are set apart for His praise; upon our comforts, and they promote our holiness; upon our trials, and they work our everlasting good; upon our labours, and they advance His kingdom and glory; upon our families, as the house of Obed-edom was blessed for the ark's sake. Behold, thus is the man blessed that feareth the Lord. Beloved, this is your privilege, the blessing of God is upon you. Do you realize it? Do you appreciate it? Remember, it flows from heavenly grace. It comes to you through Jesus. It is enjoyed in the exercise of faith, and in the way of obedience. It is ensured by the oath and promise of God. It includes all you can need or ever desire. Retire to rest tonight impressed with the thought, "The blessing of God is upon me." Or, if hesitant to claim it, with the prayer, "Bless me, even me, O my Father."

Lord, make it plain that I am Thine,
In Jesus blest, with Jesus one;
That all Thy promises are mine,
As Thy belov'd, adopted son.

4. "They shall not be ashamed that wait for me” Isa 49:23 (December 22 MORNING)

“THEY THAT WAIT UPON THE LORD SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH.” Waiting for the Lord supposes that we want Him to do something for us or bestow something on us. It implies possibly that we have sought Him, that He has promised, but that He delays to answer our request, and no substitute can be found. This promise suggests that there may be fears lest He should not come and we might be disappointed. This supposes that there may be temptations to distrust the love, faithfulness, and goodness of God; to think that they shall be ashamed of having sought, believed, or expected in vain that the Lord would appear. But this precious promise secures the waiting soul from shame and disappointment. It assures us that the Lord will appear, answer, and bless in His own time, and in His own way. Are you tempted? Wait for the Lord. Are you afflicted? Wait upon God.  Are you sorely tried? Wait patiently for the Lord; He will not suffer you to be ashamed. Abraham waited and received the promise. Joseph waited and was raised to honour. David waited and had all his desire fulfilled.

Affliction is a stormy deep,
Where wave resounds to wave;
Though o'er my head the billows roll,
I know the Lord can save:
I'll wait and bow beneath the rod;
My hope, my confidence is God.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor