
28 October 2018

My dear readers, 

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Rev James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. “Holding forth the word of life”  Phi 2:16 (June 22  EVENING)

“THE WORD OF TRUTH, THE GOSPEL OF YOUR SALVATION:”  it must be held forth and held high, for without the word there is no life.  That life is in the promise and in the person and work of Christ.  It presents life as God’s free gift to the condemned and guilty.  It is employed to produce life through the power of the Holy Spirit.  The life which it reveals, presents, and produces, stands in the favour of God, in union to the person of Christ, in the possession of the Spirit, in fellowship with the fountain of life, in freedom from all condemnation, and in a title to eternal glory.  This gospel is entrusted to us; it is entrusted to us for others, and we are to hold it forth as a light in a dark place, as food for hungry sinners, as pardon for condemned criminals, and a rule for quickened souls.  It is to be held forth in the public ministry, by a holy lifestyle, and by every possible means.  Beloved, let us view the gospel as “the word of life.”  Let us ask ourselves, are we holding it forth as we should?  Let us hold forth this word of life by speaking, by writing, by purchasing and distributing little works which have been printed for the purpose, and by assisting those who have consecrated their time and talents to the work.

O come, let us with grateful heart,
In Gospel harvest have a part;
Our tithes and offerings gladly bring,
To aid the kingdom of our King.

2. “My counsel shall stand”  Isa 46:10 (February 20 EVENING)

“I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE.”  Before God, man is nothing, yea, less than nothing.  The counsel of man is often weak and foolish, his knowledge being incomplete, and his mind imperfect.  But the counsel of the Lord is infinite wisdom, sustained by omnipotent power.  Men’s purposes are often determined by evil influences, or when the mind is confused and perplexed; but the purposes of God were determined by the eternal mind in wisdom, justice, grace, holiness, truth, and love.  Men’s counsels are often frustrated, but God’s purposes never.  Men’s purposes are frequently defeated, but our God worketh all things after the counsel of His perfect will.  His counsel includes all that is essential to our eternal welfare; His purposes embrace all the events of this transitory life: therefore we ought not to be unduly affected by anything which takes place around us.  There may be confusion, conflict, injustice, oppression, but our God who determines His way through whirlwind and storm, says, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”  Remember, beloved, our God is at work always and everywhere.  He doth perfectly according to His immutable will in heaven, earth, and hell; and He says to us, “Be still and know that I am God.”

God will for all my wants provide,
And save me for His mercy’s sake;
Me by His counsel He will guide,
And afterwards to glory take.

3. “O Lord, revive Thy work”  Hab 3:2 (October 13 EVENING)

“IN WRATH REMEMBER MERCY.”  Let this be our prayer daily, that God might revive His church.  No one can revive the Lord’s work but Himself.  He began it,  He must carry it on and  He will complete it.   He does so by His way and means, and one of the means He employs is prayer.  He convinces us that we need a revival.  He stirs us up to seek it.  He makes us sensible of our insufficiency.  He may perhaps keep us waiting at His throne for a time.  The delay may cause us pain and perplexity.  If sanctified, it will make us more earnest for the blessing; and there we shall cry out with the Psalmist of old, “Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?”  When the Lord revives His work, He strengthens our faith, invigorates our hope, inflames our love, deepens our humility, animates our zeal, and stirs us up to seek the promotion of His cause.  Then prayer becomes pleasant, praise sweet, ordinances welcome, the sabbath a delight, and the sanctuary amiable.  The church resembles a lovely garden in which we walk with peculiar satisfaction; the gospel is a feast, most suitable and costly; and we look forward to heaven as our country and home.  The Lord revives His work in us by His Spirit, by His providence, and by His holy will.  May God make His people willing.

O for His soul-reviving grace,
That quick’ning power divine;
The deadness from my soul to chase,
That I may rise and shine.

4. “Occupy till I come”  Lk 19:13 (April 2 EVENING)

OUR LORD HAS GONE TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR US.  Before He went away He assigned work to His servants.  He has given us talents, entrusting us with His money.  He is gone home to His Father for a time; He will soon return again and He bids us “occupy until He comes.”  We are to be busy for God,  to be active for the Lord Jesus Christ.  He will soon come to take an account of what we have done, how we have done it, and why we have done it.  When He comes He will praise or blame as the case may require.  He will reward every one according to His works.  Do we believe this?  Are we living under the conviction of this fact?  Do we often say to ourselves, “I must stand before the judgement seat of Christ  to give an account?”  Beloved, our time, our talents, as well as our persons, are the Lord’s.  To Him they should be consecrated.  For Him they should be employed.  Have we been living for Christ today?  Have we been transacting our business, or doing our work, in the prospect of appearing before the Lord Jesus to give an account?  Let us not sleep as do others.  Let us not stand idle in the market place.  Let us not live to ourselves, but let us heed His words: “Occupy till I come!”

O may I serve my Jesus still,
And use the talents giv’n;
Daily consult and do His will,
And thus prepare for heav’n.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor