
8 July 2018

My dear readers,

(Extracts from RPG Workbook Vol II No. 7 June 12 – July 9 1983, edited by Dr SH Tow)


Christians are to keep on being or becoming followers of God (literally: imitators of God). We are to reflect our Heavenly Father. As God is love, we are to walk in love, demonstrable in our giving and forgiving. Though we will never be perfect on earth, we must keep trying to be like our Heavenly Father in purity. Sexual sins or sins of thought which hinder the Scriptural principle (one man, one wife for life) are not even to be mentioned amongst the believers. This includes covetousness which is unbridled desire for more and more.

Christians, beware your speech. Immoral, filthy, obscene talk is out! Unintelligent, moronic, senseless, unprofitable childish talk is out. Even jesting, which is irreverent and draw attention to one’s self. Let us rather give thanks to God. This is doubtless one of the best uses of our lips!

Three types of persons will not be in God’s Kingdom:

(1) a whoremonger (one who indulges in fornication, or a sex pervert),

(2) an unclean or impure person, and

(3) a covetous, greedy man.

They cannot be because there is no change in their life, showing that they were never truly converted! Instead, God’s wrath and judgment will surely come upon them!

As Christians we must not join unbelievers in sin or fellowship with them in their shameful, unfruitful lifestyle. Rather, let us be imitators of God, walking in love and walking in the light.

THOUGHT: To give thanks is always in order.
PRAYER: Lord, let me be Thy true follower in my total lifestyle. Do not let Satan blind me to think I can be a Christian and yet live in my previous sinful lifestyle.


The Christian’s walk or daily life must measure up to his beliefs. Christians are called to walk in God’s will. This is to live aright, in a way that is acceptable and well-pleasing to God (Eph 5:10, Rom 12:1-2). To “walk circumspectly” (Eph 5:15) is to live accurately or exactly according to Holy Scriptures so that we do not need to keep on making corrections.

“Redeeming the time” (Eph 5:16) literally means to spend the remaining time on earth (i.e. time after salvation, for time before salvation are gone forever) for the glory of God and Christ. In so doing, we will be careful to live for Christ according to the Bible. Christians are to walk biblically because the days are evil. All around us are non-Christians and professing Christians living according to their self-centred lusts, under God’s judgment and heading for Hell. We are called to be witnesses to them. So, let us live aright.

To walk in God’s will is only possible if we keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit, and let Him permeate all areas of our lives and control us. This is God’s command. Stop being “drunk with wine” (Eph 5:18). This is another command. Intoxication is sin as it reflects “excess,” uncontrolled, reckless, wasteful living, resulting in broken health, homes, heads, hearts, vessels, vehicles, virtue, etc. This is inconsistent with the Christian life. It shames the Name of Christ.

What are the evidences of being Spirit-filled? Firstly, he prays without ceasing and he loves to commune with God. Secondly, he gives thanks to God (1 Thess 5:18). Thirdly, he loves to hear the voice of God by reading the Bible everyday. He does so with a heart of obedience. Finally, mutual submission in the fear of the Lord by sincere repentance and by making right every wrong relationship in holiness, truth and righteousness. Don’t always insist on your way. No one is right one hundred percent of the time, except God!

To walk in God’s will, then, is to walk accurately, buying up every moment of every day, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

THOUGHT: Do I want to be filled with wine or with the Holy Spirit?
PRAYER: “Fill me now, Fill me now, Jesus come and fill me now, Fill me with Thy Holy Spirit, Come, O come and fill me now.”


The stress is on duties rather than privileges and rights. The command is first to wives: “submitting yourselves” (cf Col 3:18, 1 Pet 3:1). This military term means to “arrange oneself under the leadership of.” If the woman thinks her lot is difficult, think of the husband having to love his wife as Christ “loved the church,” i.e. with a self-sacrificing type of “agape” love. The husband’s unconditional duty is to love and give himself for the wife’s physical, mental and spiritual well-being! Just as the Lord Jesus gave Himself for the Church and died for her! Loving one’s wife is comparable with loving one’s self (Eph 5:33) or with loving one’s body (Eph 5:28).

The wife is further enjoined to “reverence” her husband. This is “fearing to displease” or “offend,” not the fear that comes from encountering some frightful object. Do not belittle your husband or make him the butt of your jokes. Remember: he is your head.

The husband enhances his headship by sanctifying (Eph 5:26), nourishing and cherishing his wife (Eph 5:29). To “sanctify” is to keep pure, to retain her love for himself always. To “nourish” is to nurture or to provide sustenance for spiritual, physical and emotional needs. To “cherish” is to foster with care, as a bird tenderly covers her young with her feathers. How then can a husband hurt or beat his wife or be unfaithful to her when he is vow-bound to protect her?

Furthermore, the bridegroom represents our Lord while the bride represents the Church (pure, without spot or wrinkle, “holy and without blemish”). Remember Ephesians 1:4? How then can a Christian couple engage in premarital sex?

Finally, both are to leave father and mother to form a new home. This is the only way for the new home to have a new head of the new family. It does not mean that parents cannot live with their children but they must not usurp their son’s headship in his new home.

THOUGHT: Do I take my duties in marriage seriously?
PRAYER: O Lord, keep me true to Thee and to my life-partner now and in the future.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor