
14 October 2018

My dear readers, 

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. "Sitting at the feet of Jesus" Lk 8:35 (October 28 EVENING)

“CLOTHED, AND IN HIS RIGHT MIND.”  What a testimony to our Lord’s power over evil spirits.  This poor man had just been rescued from Satan.  He felt under the deepest obligation to Jesus.  He was filled with wonder at His power.  He was drawn by His preaching and he took his seat at His feet.  This was the posture of a pupil, the place occupied by a disciple.  We may still enjoy this privilege.  Jesus speaks to us now.  Let us sit down at His feet, and hear His word with attention, receive His doctrine with gratitude, and own Him as our Lord and Master.  It is the posture of  humility.  The feet of Jesus is our proper place.  There we are safe.  It is the evidence of attachment:  how much we have to attach ourselves to the Lord Jesus,  how much we have already received,  how much we still want, which He only can supply.  Let us consider how much more we shall need as we press on our journey, for it is vain to look to any other quarter.  Let us therefore sit down at His feet, and meekly receive His word of grace and truth.  Let us keep our place, not allowing anything to draw us away.  Satan will if he can, for he well knows that he cannot harm us here.  Sinners will, if they can, for while we are in this posture, we reprove them and exalt the name of God.  Let us sit at the feet of the Master.

O may I find my blessed seat
In humble faith at Jesus’ feet;
Imbibe His wisdom, prove His love,
Receive instruction from above.

2. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly" Col  3:16 (December 17 MORNING)

“TEACHING AND ADMONISHING ONE ANOTHER ... WITH GRACE.” The word which Jesus preached or the word which His servants wrote, the whole word of God, is the word of Christ.  Believer, look at your Bible as the inspired, revealed Word of your best Friend, your loving Saviour, and final Judge.  Let it find a sanctified place in your memories, affections, and hearts.  Let it keep your house, ruling, feeding, and directing your souls.  Let it dwell in you richly, and may you know how to apply the different portions to different persons, under different circumstances.  Let it dwell in you richly, that you may be able to plead it in prayer so that God will approve and accept. Let the Word of Christ guide and preserve your judgments; curb, limit, and regulate your desires; raise, confirm, and direct your expectations.  Let the same word silence, enlighten, and purify your conscience, to enable you to resist and overcome Satan, to reprove sin, and speak a word in season to the weary.  Let the word of Christ have the best room in your souls; let it be your daily meditation, the food for your spirit.  "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom."

Lord let Thy wisdom be my guide,
Nor take Thy light from me away;
Still with me let Thy grace abide,
That I from Thee may never stray:
Let Thy word richly in me dwell,
Inspiring me to serve Thee well.

3. "The obedience of faith" Rom 16:26 (April 3 EVENING)

THE obedience required of faith is SUBMISSION TO GOD’S WILL.  It is the submission of the intellect, the heart, and the life to God.  The law of faith is the gospel: this requires us to believe that "God is love,"  that Christ died in the place of sinners; to embrace mercy as freely presented, and receive forgiveness as the gift of God;  to accept of the righteousness of Jesus, to trust in it alone for acceptance before God, and to plead it at the throne of grace for all we need;  to come daily to Jesus for all we want, and to expect to receive at His hands all He has promised; to live for God,  to live to God, to live like God.  It requires us, in one word, so to live that God may be all, and man nothing.  God requires the obedience of a believing heart.  We must believe what He says, expect what He has promised, and do what He bids.  This is the life of faith and Satan will oppose it.  The carnal mind will throw a thousand obstacles in the way.  Everything that is of a worldly character will hinder us.  But we must wrestle, strive, break through, and say, "I will believe my God. I will obey my Lord."  That only is the way of faith.

Spirit of faith, unfold Thy law,
Thy quick'ning pow’r impart:
My soul to sweet obedience draw,
Fill and control my heart.

4. "Noah walked with God" Gen  6:9 (September 12 EVENING)

“BY FAITH NOAH ... PREPARED AN  ARK.”  He obeyed God and by his obedience he saved his house.  Noah was born six hundred years before the global Flood at a time when “... the wickedness of man was great ... and ... every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”  But Noah did not follow the crowd:  he was a man of faith and he walked with God.  Time came when the Lord decided to “... bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life.”  But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  By faith, being warned of God of the impending destruction and judgment by water, he prepared an ark to the saving of his house by which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.  Noah could be depended upon:  he was a man of faith, and God used him to save his family of eight souls.  Today’s society is no different from Noah’s:  the whole earth is filled with violence and corruption.  A second and final judgment is about to descend on the earth.  God looks for men of faith, such as Noah, to walk with Him.  Beloved, are you walking with God?  following the Lord Jesus?  He only can deliver you from the judgment to come. 

I walk with God, He’s Lord of all,
My dearest Friend is He;
On Him I lean, I cannot fall;
I’m His eternally.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor