
28 January 2018

Pr Ko Lingkang

Whatsoever Things are of Good Report

Philippians 4:8 – “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

To “think” means “to take an inventory of”. It reminds us of the need to constantly take stock of the thoughts that fill our minds. In this regard, we have to be watchful not only of what enters into our minds, but also what our minds constantly dwell upon.

The next thing the Apostle Paul exhorts us to think upon is thoughts which are “of good report”.

Whatsoever Things are of Good Report

The “good report” here describes those things which are “praise worthy.” In the Greek, this phrase is a compound word made up of the words “good” and “fame.” The word “fame” has the idea of a report which is spread abroad. The idea of this compound word is carried across very well with the phrase “good report.”

In other words, the thoughts which we are to have are to be thoughts which are praise worthy, whereby they are commendable or reputable. They are thoughts which one will not be ashamed of or will not feel that there is a need to hide. They are also thoughts which one can be confident that in sharing them, others will say that they are good thoughts. These thoughts have to be thoughts which are honourable, and are not embarrassing or shameful.

It is not man who determines what are considered honourable and dishonourable thoughts. It is the Word of God that discerns both the thoughts and intents of the heart and must be the standard used to determine if our thoughts are honourable or not. Therefore, what is to be regarded as thoughts of “good report” must be thoughts which are honourable before God. These are thoughts which are praise worthy before God. We must be sure that the thoughts that fill our mind will receive commendation from God. These thoughts will naturally also be regarded as commendable before God-fearing and godly men.

Thoughts that are dishonourable would be thoughts of sin or pride. These are evil thoughts (Matt 15:19). These are also malicious and manipulative thoughts that are designed to bring about the hurt of others. The Bible also warns against bitter or envious thoughts (Eph 4:31). If we allow our minds to dwell upon thoughts of anger and bitterness, this will result in angry and bitter conduct. The Lord Jesus Christ also warned that if we are angry with a brother in our hearts without a cause, we have already dishonoured God in the breaking of the sixth commandment. Likewise, if we lust after a woman in our hearts, we have already sinned against God in the breaking of the seventh commandment (Matt 5:21-32).

These dishonourable thoughts may also include thoughts of rumour and gossip mongering. In contrast to those things which are of good report, these are the bad and untruthful reports. Do we allow our minds to dwell on thoughts of rumours and gossip about others?

Thoughts of good report are thoughts that will receive commendation from God. Our minds should dwell on these things.

These thoughts would include thoughts of love and kindness. Think upon how we can show more love towards one another. This will guard a bitter and envious spirit and prevent gossip. Our thoughts should be of care and concern towards one another. These are thoughts which will edify.

Thoughts which are honourable would also include thoughts unto service. We are constantly thinking about the gospel. We think of our friends who need the gospel. Our minds dwell on the furtherance of the gospel and on how we can increase in fruitfulness and fervency in service.

The thoughts which are commendable must also include thoughts unto sanctification. Our thoughts will be constantly about how we can grow unto sanctification. We read the Bible and ask the Lord to search our hearts. Do we have sin to repent of? Have we allowed pride to enter our hearts? Have we become greedy for the material things of this world? This is what it means to think upon how we can grow unto sanctification. We dwell upon the godly things we will pursue. We dwell upon the putting on of Christ and the mortifying of the flesh.

If There be Any Virtue

In concluding this exhortation, Paul says: “if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Apart from thoughts of things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, we have to add to these thoughts of virtue and praise.

The word “virtue” describes “excellence” and “uprightness” of character.

The Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 1:3 says that we have been called unto glory and virtue. He also wrote in 2 Peter 1:5 that virtue is what we have to diligently add to our faith. This does not mean that we need to add it to our faith to complete our salvation. But what 2 Peter 1:5 teaches us is that we have to build upon our faith a life of excellence and uprightness.

In 1 Peter 2:9, this word “virtue” is translated as “praise,” thus placing the emphasis on that which is excellent. 1Pet 2:9 – “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” Here we are exhorted to show forth the “praise” of Christ. In other words we are to show forth the “excellency” of Christ in the way we live.

Putting these thoughts together, when Paul exhorts us to think upon “virtue” what we ought to dwell upon are the excellent things of the Lord Jesus Christ. In order to show forth the excellence of the Lord Jesus Christ, our minds have to first constantly dwell on the excellent things of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our minds have to constantly dwell upon the uprightness of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to think on the excellency of Christ who has called us out of darkness into God’s marvellous light.

As we think on the excellency of Christ, we must then also go on to think about how we may strive unto excellence and uprightness in Christ. We ought to strive unto excellence in holiness and godliness. Our character and life must be marked and measured by uprightness according to the standards of God’s Word.

If There Be Any Praise

The word “praise” here describes things which are worthy of praise. The praises which we seek must be first and foremost praises from our God. These are thoughts which seek the approval of God. Our minds must be filled with thoughts which are praise worthy of God whereby we know God is pleased with us. When we dwell upon these thoughts, it is worthy of praise.

When our minds are filled with these kinds of thoughts, then we will constantly seek to please God and not man.

Do we do things to seek the approval and the praises of God? Too often, we are constantly thinking of how we can please man. We are often more concerned with receiving the approval and commendation of man than from God. But the Apostle Paul reminds us in Colossians 3:22 – “Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:” In all that we do, our thoughts should be guided and directed by how we can receive the praises of God. This will guard us against sin, especially when our friends or people around us pressure us to do what we know is displeasing to God. We ought to seek to please God rather than man.

When our thoughts are filled with praise, where we seek the praises of God, then naturally, godly man will be able to witness the testimony of Christ-likeness and give praise unto God. Wicked men will scorn and mock at all who live godly in Christ Jesus but as the hymn goes – “Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Master praises, what are men?”


Over the last few months, we have been considering the various things we ought to think upon. What we fill our minds with is very important, hence the Apostle Paul here asks us to take inventory of our thoughts.

In very practical terms, we can only think on these things when we constantly dwell upon God’s Word. Only God’s Word can guide our thoughts in these things. The source of these thoughts is not from within us. We will also be in great danger if these thoughts stem from the ideas and philosophies of the world. God’s Word must constantly be our meditation, then and only then can our thoughts be thoughts which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praise worthy.