
11 November 2018

My dear readers,

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. “My beloved is mine and I am His.”  Song 2:16 (June 27  EVENING)

THE BOND OF LOVE IS ENDURING AND STRONG.  This is the language of holy assurance.  Christ is given by the Father to sinners; He is God’s unspeakable gift.  He is presented in the gospel to every one who hears or reads it, without money and without price.  He is accepted and received by faith.  The reception of Christ is confirmed by a serious commitment; the believer commits himself to Christ and to Him alone.  It is confirmed by holy fellowship.  He that claims Christ, lives in communion with Him.  “My beloved is all to me.”  He is the Saviour in whom I believe and trust, the husband whom I reverence and love, the Lord whom I adore and obey, the portion I cherish, and the beloved One upon whom my heart and affections are centred.  “I am my beloved’s.”  He chose me, or I had never chosen Him.  He redeemed me, or I had still been a slave.  He called me, or I had still been wandering from God.  He sanctified me, or I had still been vile and polluted.  He manifested Himself to me, or I had never seen His glory.  “I am to my beloved,  His sister-spouse, His portion, His delight, His choice out of all the world, His glorious crown out of the spoils He has won.”

Jesus my love, my life, my peace,
Jesus is mine, and I am His;
His bride, His dear bought property,
Who loved and gave Himself for me.

2. “His fruit was sweet to my taste”  Song 2:3 (December 4  EVENING)

“HIS BANNER OVER ME WAS LOVE.”  Our Lord Jesus is incomparably lovely.  His personal excellencies exceed the powers of description.  Every beautiful figure which nature can furnish is employed to set Him forth.  But a spiritual perception is necessary to discern and delight in Him.  Everyone who perceives His glory, applies to His fullness, receives and enjoys His communications.  Here He is compared to the apple tree amidst the trees of the wood, as affording refreshing shade and delicious food.  “His fruit was sweet to my taste.”  His fruit includes the promises He has made, the pardon He bestows, the reconciliation He has affected, the peace He imparts, the fellowship He has with His people, the assurances of His love, the joys of the Holy Spirit, the hope of eternal life, access into God’s presence, and the precious foretastes of glory which He sends.  Sheltered from storms, protected from foes, preserved from the sultry sun, and fed with fruits of salvation, the believer is happy, and his Saviour is precious to his soul.  And while the fruits of Jesus are sweet to him, sin is bitter; he has no relish for the follies, vain amusements, and sinful pleasures of the world.

O sweet repast of heavenly love,
How rich these royal dainties prove;
In Thine embrace ’tis life to be,
So sweet Thy fruit and shade to me.

3. “He is altogether lovely”  Song 5:16 (October 25 EVENING)

“THIS IS MY BELOVED, AND THIS IS MY FRIEND.”  This is the opinion formed of Jesus by all who know Him.  There is nothing lovely that is not in Jesus, and in Him is fulness of perfection.  He is the object of admiration and adoration to all who are taught by the Holy Spirit.  His person as God-man is altogether lovely, for He possesses every grace that can adorn humanity, and all the glories of uncreated deity.   His character is altogether lovely, for He is infinitely wise, dignified, and kind.  Indeed there is nothing in Christ, but what is lovely, and there is nothing lovely, but it may be found in Him.  The testimony borne by the spouse will apply to His offices, as Prophet, Priest, and King; to His government, universal and particular; to His work for us on earth and in heaven; to His design in all His dealings with us, even to purify, elevate, and honour us.  Reader, do you know Him?  Do you admire Him?  Do you love Him?  If so, be reconciled to Him; gratefully embrace Him, and meekly learn of Him.  The more you know Him, the more you will love Him.  Let us ask, “What are our views of Christ tonight?  If our minds are spiritual, He is altogether lovely.”

Alt’gether glorious is my Lord;
Most beloved, yea, most adored;
His worth if all the nations knew,
Sure the whole earth would love Him too.

4. “He feedeth among the lilies”  Song 6:3 (October 11 EVENING)

BELIEVERS are compared to this lovely flower.   These lilies are not in the field but in the garden, the Saviour’s garden.  There He loves and prizes them greatly.  He visits and walks among them.  He is pleased with their persons, their graces,  their prayers, their praises,  their testimony,  and their obedience.  He manifests Himself to them, which they ardently desire,  highly prize, and are much blessed thereby.  See what a Christian should be:not a thorn which wounds everyone who comes too close;not a useless weed, which cumbers the ground or poisons all who taste it;but a lily,  one who has a sweet spirit,whose life and conversation is fragrant and inviting, of a pleasing character, who looks well in any situation; a good and useful neighbour who benefits many and injures none, of whom Jesus may well be proud,in whom He finds satisfaction and pleasure.  He feeds among lilies in His church.   True Christian fellowship is exceedingly pleasant to Him.  Invite Him to your heart, your home.   Expect Him to accept your invitation; welcome and entertain Him suitably.  He feedeth among the lilies:  He comes to bless you.

Saviour!  mould me by Thy power,
Fill me with Thy grace divine;
Make me like the lily flower,
To Thy praise and glory shine.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor