
4 November 2018

My dear readers, 

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. "Draw me" Song 1:4 (January 11 EVENING)

“HIM THAT COMETH TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT.”  How sweet and precious is the invitation of Jesus; but we feel that something more than invitation is necessary.  There is often a want of inclination; the soul is sluggish, the heart is heavy, a host of things interpose to keep us from His fulness.  His invitation is a full and sufficient warrant; we may go to Him, we may go with confidence, we may go when we will, and for all we need; His heart is kind, His resources are thrown open, His word is true; but we need the drawings of the Holy Spirit.  Our weakness, our reluctance, the difficulties we meet, make us cry, "Draw me." He has drawn us, or we would never have approached Him; for He has said, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him."  This drawing is the effect and proof of eternal love. Hence we read, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."  The Lord's drawings are so sweet that we yield before we are aware. "I draw them with cords of love."  They are divine, they always prevail. "I draw as with the bands of a man."  May Jesus draw us to Himself, away from the world, from sin, and from self. Amen.

O lead me to Thy mercy seat,
O lead me nearer still;
Draw me like Mary to Thy feet,
To sit and learn Thy will.

2. "The upright love Thee" Song 1:4 (August 18 EVENING)

NONE are upright by nature, for none seek GOD.  No man seeks to render to God the things which are God's, and to men the things which are men's.  We speak of righteousness.  It flows from grace, the proof of a new creation.  The truly upright regard the eye of God as fixed upon them;  the Word of God as binding upon them;  the  approval of God as the chief thing to be sought by them;  and the judgment of God as most welcome to them.  The upright love Jesus.  They all know Him, and highly esteem Him.  They love Him uprightly, and as proof of it, they rejoice in His presence; they are grieved at His absence for they desire the closest union with Him; they aim to please Him in all things for they will give up everything for Him; they love  to speak of Him; and they always speak well of Him; they will do anything for Him, perform any duty, avoid every sin.  They will choose to suffer for him rather than deny or dishonour Him.  Reader, are you upright?  Do you love Jesus?  You are not upright if you do not.  Terrible is the denunciation of the inspired Apostle, "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha", which means, accursed when the Lord cometh.

Jesus, my balm for every ill,
My life in death Thou art;
 Thy lips as lilies fair, distil
The myrrh that heals my heart.

3. "We will remember Thy love" Song 1:4 (October 8  MORNING)

“THE SON OF GOD LOVED ME AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR ME.”  His love for me took Him to Calvary.  What subject is so sweet as the love of Jesus?  The goodwill of His heart towards us He has fixed on us sovereignly, immutably, and eternally.  Let us remember this love of Jesus, for it is sufficient to fill us with joy, peace, and contentment.  O how He condescended to look upon us, to come and die for us, and now to dwell with us!  Ponder His love: what benevolence it has and does display, giving everything that is necessary for life and godliness.  How it dignifies its objects, raising them to glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life.  Let us remember His love, to comfort our hearts amid changing friendships, to encourage our souls in seasons of gloom, to produce confidence in times of trial, to inspire with fortitude in times of danger, to beget patience when burdened and oppressed, to reconcile under bereaving situations, and to produce zeal and devotion in the Lord's service.  O love of Jesus! Please be my daily subject and constant theme!  Beloved, let us remember His love, if we forget everything beside; there is nothing so sweet, so precious, so excellent as this!

O may you know the love of God
Which by His grace is shed abroad
In this poor longing heart!
Help me, dear Lord, for Thee to shine,
To show to men, Thy love divine;
To all Thy love impart.

4. "Let me hear Thy voice" Song 2:14 (September 4 EVENING)

OUR LORD LOVES US WITH AN EVERLASTING LOVE.  To you and me He says, “Let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice.”  This is the language of Jesus to His Church and to us.  He loves to see us come to His throne,  to hear us pour out our hearts before Him.  The prayer of the upright is His delight.  It may be as mournful as the cooing of the dove, and there may be as much sameness in it too, but our Lord loves to hear it.  We are wearied with telling the oft repeated tale, and we fear that He will be so too, but no, He says, "Let me hear thy voice."  Shall we refuse Him? Never! Rather, let us go to Him more frequently.  Let us confess our sins, mourn over our follies, lament our backslidings, plead His precious promises, seek the enjoyment of His presence, beseech Him to pardon our sins, and crave every blessing which He has to bestow.  We cannot go to Him too often.  We cannot ask for too much at His hands.  He asks us to pray.  He exhorts us to come often to His throne of grace.  He sends troubles, trials, and afflictions to draw us near to Him.  In every comfort, he says, "Let me hear thy voice." In every trial, he says, "Call upon me, I will deliver thee."  Beloved, go at once to Jesus, and let Him hear your voice.   In obedience to His call acknowledge His goodness, plead His promises, and seek His grace.

'Tis sweet to steal awhile away
From ev'ry cumb’ring care;
And spend the closing hours each day
In humble, grateful prayer.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor