
15 April 2018

My dear readers,

(Extracts from RPG Workbook Vol III No. 12, Oct 28 – Nov 24, 1984, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. NOTHING BETTER THAN EAT AND DRINK (Luke 22:29, 30; Ecclesiastes 2:24-26)

At first reading of verse 24, Solomon seems to be sounding the call to men to live merely for this present perishing world — “… Let us eat and drink: for to morrow we die” (1 Cor 15:32). Did Solomon really mean that there was nothing better for a man than to appease his sensual appetite? Far from it!

Let us read again that verse and ponder its deeper meaning. Solomon is here speaking of the proper enjoyment of earthly things. Are not these also God’s provision for our earthly sojourn? Indeed, yes! “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights ...” (James 1:17). This also I saw, says Solomon, that it was from the hand of God.


The hand of God! That’s it, that’s where every good gift and every perfect gift comes from. Are you aware of this great fact? Do you constantly give thanks? Did you thank God for your food — breakfast, lunch, dinner? Do you thank God for your appetite? Your health? Think of the owner of the supermarket afflicted with cancer. Each treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy deadens his taste buds and robs him of all sense of taste. The most savoury and appetising food to him tastes like paper and sawdust. He has all the food in the world, but not the appetite.

Are you, dear reader, brooding over some setback or disappointment? Have you lost your appetite because you missed a promotion? Are you groaning because you haven’t the money to buy a good pair of shoes? Think of the Lord Jesus Christ who came down from heaven to suffer and die for you. Count it all joy and privilege when you are asked by your heavenly Father to suffer for Christ today. Think! and not complain.

Solomon says to us: enjoy what you have received from God. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). The Christian has a legitimate share of the world’s enjoyments, but he makes all its pleasures subordinate — to the glory of God. The Christian believer can sit down to an earthly feast, with the bright prospect of one day eating and drinking with our Lord in his kingdom (Lk 22:28-30).

QUIZ: When you eat your next meal, will you think of inviting someone to the heavenly banquet?

2. TO EVERYTHING A SEASON (Romans 13:11,12; Ecclesiastes 3:1-22)

Everything around us is in a perpetual state of flux and change. We see one vast shifting scene. To the world, the constant motion is part of fate and chance. Not so, says the Preacher. To everything, there is a season; to every change an unseen Hand is in control. All events, whether the most casual or the most carefully contrived, are over-ruled. To everything there is a time fixed and predetermined. Did you think that it was by your careful planning, forethought and effort that it happened the way it did? Not so! God was in overall control!

Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world (Acts 15:18). It is He who sees the end from the beginning, who keeps His eyes on things great and small, even from eternity to eternity. Everything happens according to His good will and foreknowledge. Do you know this great God as your Saviour Lord, and Master? In Him you may have absolute confidence and trust, for with Him there are no emergencies, no accidents, no surprises. He knows your entire life, every event from the cradle to the grave. Did you know, dear believer, He thought of you and included you in His plan, long before you were born!


God has His TIME-TABLE. Even the school child will understand this. We all function according to a time-table — more or less. But God’s TIME-TABLE is better than ours! Infinitely better! He never needs to alter it, or update it from year to year. He keeps His appointments “to the dot of the hour.” He is never late, and never too early. Our God is always just on time! How marvellous! That’s why He is God He never makes mistakes, is never taken by surprise.

So there was a season for Israel to sojourn in Egypt and a season for Israel to be delivered. Moses tried 40 years before the time. He failed miserably. But when God’s time came, “on the self-same day” the hosts of the LORD went out of Egypt, not a day late! (Ex 12:41) In the fulness of time, the Saviour came (Gal 4:4). Before the appointed time, none could lay hands on Jesus, but when His time was come, He laid down His life. Soon He’s coming again — when the time is fulfilled. Do you know the time and season?

PRAYER: Lord, teach me to discern the time and season.
THOUGHT: Even so, Lord Jesus, come!

3. A TIME TO BE BORN (Job 1:21; Ecclesiastes 3:1-4)

This one great event in Man’s life is utterly and totally beyond his control. A time to come into this world! What a moment! To think of it, this miracle of life is repeated a quarter million times a day. With a cry, another child of Adam announces its entry onto the stage of life.

Why was I born? Did you ever ask this question? How do you view your birth? Was it a good event, or bad, or indifferent? Some curse the day of their birth or, like Voltaire, say with regret, I wish I had never been born. But we recognise the hand of God, as the Psalmist has said, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well … How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God” (Ps 139:14,17).


He who formed us and gave us this earthly life surely has a higher purpose for each of us. He made us for His own glory. What am I doing about it? What have I done for God, for my own soul, and for my fellowmen? God has given us the capacity to do good. Therein lies the duty for each of us to do.

Dear reader, did you know that this life brought with it both duty and privilege? Our Lord and Maker expect it from you and me. Life is real, life is earnest! Awake to its opportunities and challenges! In the morning, awakening, say “Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee!”

The Lord is looking for earnest, willing, daring men and women to be His representatives — ambassadors for Christ; men and women who wait on Him daily for “marching orders,” who keep close touch with Him every day; men and women who live and work for eternity; men and women who strive their utmost to make their lives count for Him. Are you willing to be counted among their ranks?

QUIZ: How can you make your birth and life a significant event in God’s plan?
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, for giving me the breath of life.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor