
11 March 2018

My dear readers,

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. "He will save" Zeph 3:17 (April 8 MORNING)

THE LORD THY GOD IS MIGHTY TO SAVE. Whom will He save? The lost, the wretched, the unworthy. Every applicant, for “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Our Lord says, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” How? Freely, without money and without price; fully, by His blood, power, and providence; eternally, all who flee to Him for refuge, all who call on Him for pardon, peace, and life, shall be saved with an everlasting salvation; they shall not be ashamed or confounded, Why? Because it is His Father’s will; because He delighteth in mercy; because it will eternally glorify His name. From what? From sin, its guilt, filth, and power; from the present evil world; from Satan; from the wrath of God; from every evil work; and from all the evil designs of men. He has saved us by showing us grace and dying in our stead. He does save us by His presence, word, providence, and the renewing of the Holy Spirit. He will save in every trouble, from every foe, even unto the end. Look to Him then, and to Him alone, to deliver, direct, relieve, and preserve. He says, “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”

Why should I doubt His love at last,
With anxious thoughts perplexed?
He who saved me in troubles past,
Will save me in the next.

2. "Who gave Himself for me" Gal 2:20 (February 24 MORNING)

“CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR IT.” We were guilty and under condemnation. Jesus took our part, became our substitute. He suffered and died in our stead. Our sins were laid on Him, punished in Him, and removed by Him. God had put the curse on us, but Jesus gave Himself to bear that curse in our stead; every penalty of the law was inflicted on Him; every one of the claims of justice was paid by Him; and now God is just, the justifier of everyone that believeth in Jesus. The debt-book is crossed, the handwriting that was against us is erased, and every foe is overcome. Do we think of the law we have broken, of the justice we have provoked, of the hell we have deserved? Let me also think, Jesus gave Himself for me. He satisfied the demands of justice, fulfilled the law, and brought glory to God, in my nature, name, and stead; and God is infinitely more honoured by the life and death of my substitute, than He could have been by my obedience had I never sinned, or by punishing me for all my sin. This is our rejoicing, that God can be just, in justifying us who believe in Jesus. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.

Jesus is the chiefest good;
He hath saved us by His blood:
Let us value nought but Him;
Nothing else deserves esteem.
Jesus, when stern Justice said,
"Man his life has forfeited;
Vengeance follows my decree,"
Cried, "Inflict it all on me."

3. “Reconciled to God by the death of His Son” Rom 5:10 (May 5 EVENING)

“IN DUE TIME CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY.” By nature our hearts were at enmity against God, and in our lives we were enemies to Him by wicked works. Whatever He required we avoided doing, and whatever He prohibited we practised. Nothing could be more opposite to God than we were before called by His grace; and yet, while we were altogether sinners, Christ died for us. In dying for us in our stead, He did all that was requisite to reconcile us to God, so that when we see our state, feel our condition, and desire to be at peace with God, we have only to believe in Him, plead His death with the Father, and instantly we are honourably reconciled. All our sins are forgiven us for His sake. We are accepted of God solely on the ground of what He did and suffered. We are treated as if we had done what He did, because He did it for us, and it is imputed to us as soon as ever we come to Him in faith, place our confidence in it, and plead it before God for our acceptance. We are reconciled to God only by the death of His Son.

The glorious work is done,
The firm foundation laid:
Our God hath sent His Son,
The Son His life hath paid;
Justice and mercy firmed the plan
That reconcileth sinful man.

4. “Remember me, O Lord” Ps 106:4 (August 30 EVENING)

“O VISIT ME WITH THY SALVATION.” This is a short but powerful prayer. There is very much wrapped up in it. It is poverty appealing to wealth, misery to mercy, the necessitous to a friend. If the Lord remember us, He will preserve us from evils, deliver us from dangers, help us in difficulty, supply us in want, and comfort us in sorrow. If the Lord remember us, then it is not of much consequence who forgets us. He is more than all creatures, and enough in the absence of all. But He does remember us, and remembers that we are dust, that we are weak, dependent, and often severely tried. He remembers His covenant, His promises, the sufferings of His dear Son, and the relation in which we stand to Him. Still we may plead to be remembered, that we may share in the gifts of His providence, in the bestowment of His grace, and in the proofs of His love. We should pray that He will remember to pardon our sins, to visit our souls, to revive our spirits, to reward our labours, and to fill us with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember me, O Lord, and preserve me from all danger this night, and raise me on the morrow in fullness of faith.

Thou wondrous Advocate with God,
I yield my soul to Thee;
While Thou art pleading at His throne
Dear Lord, remember me.

God bless all readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor