
21 January 2018

My dear readers,

(Extracts from Daily Remembrancer by Pastor James Smith, edited by Dr SH Tow)

1. “Fear not, little flock” Lk 12:32 (May 12 EVENING)

“I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD.” We are His sheep, and our numbers are few. God’s care includes every believer. The flock is small. It is in the desert. Enemies surround it. His lambs especially are timid. But He says, “Fear not.” You are your Shepherd’s care; you are His property, His delight. He is always present; He is omnipotent to defend you. Every perfection of His nature is employed for you. He never lost one of His charge yet; He never will. It was said of Him by the prophet, “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” He gathers His sheep to His fold, He feeds them in good pasture, He restores them when they wander; He makes them pass under the rod, and marks them as His own. The provision He has made for them is suitable and abundant. Beloved, let us know our Shepherd; let us listen to His voice; let us keep close to His side; let us feed and rest among His sheep; let us exercise confidence in His kindness and care; let us banish our fears, for why should we be alarmed? Let us cast all our care upon Him.

Fear not, believe His word;
You are to Jesus given;’
Tis the good pleasure of the Lord
To bring you safe to heaven;
Then listen to your Shepherd’s voice,
And in His constant care rejoice.

2. “Even to hoard hairs will I carry you” Isa 46:4 (September 16 MORNING)

“UNDERNEATH ARE THE EVERLASTING ARMS.” What comfort to know that the arms which bear us up are the everlasting arms of God Himself. What blessed assurance is this for the aged disciples of the Lord Jesus: heart and flesh may fail them, but God will not. Having begun a good work in them, He will finally perfect it for them. His gifts and callings are without repentance. He will be as kind, as tender, and as gracious at last as at first. “The eternal God is our refuge, underneath are the everlasting arms.” He will carry us safely through every danger and difficulty into His presence and glory. Aged pilgrim, lean upon your God; look to Him and as the nurse carries the sucking child, so will your God carry you. He will prove Himself faithful to His word and ultimately call you forth as a witness to the same. Fear not then at the approach of the evening of life: your God will supply you, support you, and at last land you safe where storms never blow, where weakness and ageing fears are never felt. "Take no anxious thought for the morrow; let the morrow take thought for the things of itself; sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." The promises of your God cannot fail you; He will safely guide you and carry you to His kingdom and glory. He says -

E’en down to old age, all my people shall prove
My sov’reign, eternal, unchangeable love;
And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne.

3. “God is with us” Isa 8:10 (July 6 MORNING)

THE LORD’S PEOPLE ARE NEVER ALONE. Therefore they should never feel lonely. God is with them as Observer; He notices every thought, word, and action; every trial, every foe, and every danger. He is with them as Father, loving and holding communion with them. He is with them as Lord of Hosts, having all the armies of earth and heaven under His direction to defend them. He is with them as Guide, to lead them; as Counsellor, to plead their cause; as Friend, to supply and comfort them; as Saviour, to deliver and succour them; and as a holy, sin-hating God. He is present with them to try them, to reprove them, to humble them, to preserve them, to comfort them, and to save them with an everlasting salvation. Beloved, let us remember that God is with us always, and in all places; this will check carelessness, prevent impatience, encourage prayerfulness, inspire fortitude, and increase diligence. If God is thus with us, He is all for us; and if God be for us, who can be against us? But do we so walk, as by our conduct to say, “God is with us?”

Be it my godly wisdom here
To serve the Lord with filial fear,
Gratefully keep His word;
True obedience may I display
By shunning every evil way,
And walking with the Lord.

4. “God, even our own God, shall bless us” Ps 67:6 (August 23 MORNING)

“PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW.” This weekly Doxology sung in many churches states a profound truth echoed above by the Psalmist, founded on God’s pledge, binding Himself to do so in His word. He is our God by covenant, by a spiritual birth, through Christ Jesus, and at our own desire, request, and consent. He is the great God who fills heaven and earth; the all sufficient God who has all resources in Himself; the unchanging God, who is eternally the same. He takes up the cause of His people, He dignifies and ennobles them, and proves Himself gracious and merciful unto them. He blesses them indeed; and if others curse, He turns the curse into a blessing. We may rest fully assured of this pleasing fact, “God, even our own God, will bless us.” He has done so in Christ before time, He has promised to do so through time, and even when time shall be no more. He will bless us in temporals and spirituals; He will bless us wherever we are. Let us believe His Word, and plead for its realization in due time; this will embolden us in danger, fortify us against fear, and keep us in perfect peace. Let us trust in Him, and He will bless us, and our joy in Him shall be great.

Rise, my soul, with ardour rise!
Breathe thy prayers to the skies;
Freely pour out all thy mind,
Seek, and thou art sure to find;
Ready art thou to receive,
Readier is thy God to give.

God bless you dear readers.

Yours faithfully in the Saviour’s Service,
Dr SH Tow, Founding Pastor